All posts by admin

Christmas Party 2013

Another year has passed and our annual christmas celebration was epic as ever. You can find the pictures on our facebook group but here is where the real goods are posted. Animated gifs heh heh heh

and thumbs up for Caitlyn and Elliot for planning!

IMG_4103 copy


Winter retreat photos are FINALLY here!

Yes… you may be wondering why it took so long, but just be glad they’re finally uploaded! Now take time to remember.

Remember the snow. Remember the icy walk to the cabins. The games, the laughter, and the jokes. Remember the seminars, the messages, the small groups, the worship time, and the prayers. Remember the heart warming conversations. Remember how God spoke to you. Finally, remember how we were strangers the day we got there and friends when we left.

Click here to download zip




Skit videos coming soon…

Food, Decorations, Games, Gifts, Good Laughs… Its Christmas.

Take a few moments to remember…

Andy’s interpretive dancing
Goeun’s sizzle
Haneul’s sizzle and landfish
Caitlyn’s unexpectedly impressive dancingLady Pew Pew
Compliment Time
Elliot shoving people out of their chair
Gloria and yoongi’s impressive elf and reindeer costumes
Couple sweatshirts
(Thats all I can think of… list more in the comments!)

Breaking the Cycle – Caption Contest!

The challenge was to take a picture to illustrate the caption. In the end, team Ents prevailed.

Breaking the Cycle… the memories

Sharing the R/S love with a car wash

Today all around the world, many cars strolled the streets with dirt and bird poop smeared across their window and grime stuck in between the rims. A few in the little town of Springfield rolled around shimmering under the sunlight, blinding people’s minds with awe of how wonderfully clean the car is.

These cars are the blessed few to scrubbed clean with love by the R/S youth group.

The Crew (+ Gloria and Goeun)











If you couldn’t make it today, its alright to shed a tear. Its alright.

Friday Night: Duckface vs Fajita vs Dream Team

Last friday we took a break from our regular seminar “The voice of God” and had an activity night. Team Duckface vs Team Fajita vs Dream Team

In the end, Team Fajita trimuphed against all odds and takes the win!











(photo missing Harvard and Joseph)

For those of you who were there (or heard the stories), you may giggle at the following quotes:

  • Johnny – We’re going to make three groups of five
  • Its raining cats and dogs
  • Cowboys and… Indians?
  • Potters wheel clay, wheel pot clay, clay potter…
  • Haneul, Jay, Nathan, and Joann are the last ninjas left. Joann gets out, Haneul slaps Jay in the face. Jay gets Haneul out. Nathan gets Jay out. Nathan wins.
    Turns out Haneul, Jay, and Joann were all on the same team.
  • Peggy – Wait? Why do I have to eat one?!
    Johnny just nods and pushes the tray closer.

Leave a comment if we’re missing any. And thanks Johnny for planning the games!

Friday Night Dodgeball Fights


Dodgeball is fun. All the pegging balls at people when they’re not looking, running around while screaming, and showing off slick dodging moves that you learned from The Matrix. It is only the day after that you realize you are out of shape because your arms are sore from throwing those latex spheres for 2 hours (at least for me). Well, here are the pictures from the dodgeball fight we had not too long ago. Click through them and relive the memories of the glorious battles fought that night.


Summer retreat: “Breaking the Cycle”


This year’s retreat will focus around “Breaking the Cycle”. Many of us live in different kinds of cycles, the most vicious being the religious and emotional cycle. These cycles have us emotionally hyped up one minute and down in the dumps the next. Fatigue from this up and down movement gets us looking to retreats, rallies, conferences, or concerts to give us that “spiritual pick me up” feeling. That is not the Christian life God has intended for us. In Christ, life may get crazy, yet our relationship with God is never broken or threatened. This is how we break out of the cycle. You don’t want to miss this.


Save the date! August 12-15th! Camp Highroad!